I just purchased one of your libraries. Why haven't I received my purchase confirmation, download code, invoice, etc?
The system is setup to automatically send out those emails almost instantly. Ideally you should receive them within a few minutes after your purchase. Occasionally the system isn’t able to deliver to some email addresses. In other cases, the emails have been sent but got caught in a spam/junk folder. If your spam folders don’t bring up anything, please send an email over to support.
It’s also worth noting that some emails bounce, even a reply from the support email to you. Or your mailbox is full. This happens on occasion and can be frustrating. So if you send a message regarding not receiving your purchase confirmation, download code, invoice etc… and you don’t receive a response from support (or your links), it may be because your email is bouncing back the messages (the replies from Performance Samples). In this case, kindly try sending the message again from an alternative email address. While generally uncommon, as a secondary resort Performance Samples LLC may attempt to reach out to you using the phone number you provided to make sure you get your links and emails.
Please keep in mind that FastSpring does not handle the product fulfillment side directly – if you don’t receive your product fulfillment links, FastSpring won’t be able to help you as they handle the transaction side primarily. Per the FAQs, please reach out to the PS support email if you don’t receive your product fulfillment links.
[RECENTLY ADDED] I was charged but didn't receive any product fulfillment emails (receipt, download links, etc).
If you didn’t receive any emails at all (esp. invoice, etc) it is most likely that the transaction didn’t go through fully for some reason and the charge will reverse after a few days. As FastSpring handles payments/transactions, please get in touch with them directly at this link in this case.
If you however received everything except your product fulfillment links, please reach out to the PS support email. Please keep in mind that FastSpring does not handle the product fulfillment side directly – if you don’t receive your product fulfillment links, FastSpring won’t be able to help you as they handle the transaction side primarily.
I have a question about VAT and sales tax-related topics, tax refunds, or a transaction (got double-charged, etc).
Performance Samples LLC doesn’t handle transactions directly (these are handled by FastSpring). For a direct response, please contact FastSpring directly with details of your question or situation and they will be to help answer or track down the issue. For tax/VAT/GST inquiries, you can go directly to this page, which is also accessible from the aforementioned page.
Your website displays a particular price for a product, but when I go through the checkout process with FastSpring it comes out as a higher number. Why is this?
FastSpring handles all transaction and tax-related matters and may add taxes based on your territory/location and other factors. There may also be currency conversion factors. Performance Samples LLC is a US-based company and does not display prices inclusive of any additional tax which may or may not be applicable depending on territory/location and other factors. For a direct response, please contact FastSpring directly with details of your question or situation and they will be to help answer or track down the issue. For tax/VAT/GST inquiries, you can go directly to this page, which is also accessible from the aforementioned page.
Please feel free to also check out some of the other FAQs here which may relate to this question.
I'm having trouble purchasing one of your products (order failed, payment method is rejected, etc).
This happens on occasion. It can be caused by a number of reasons. The most common reason is simply that the system has picked up on multiple purchase attempts (perhaps with payment methods that did not go through) and has blocked the email/IP temporarily.
For a direct response, please contact FastSpring directly with the name of the product you’re trying to purchase, the attempted payment method, your name, your email, and any other details of your purchase issue. As mentioned above, sometimes multiple order attempts will cause the system to temporarily block an email and it will need to be reset by FastSpring. This isn’t a big deal but unfortunately has to be done manually.
If you are having trouble purchasing and a sale is ending soon, don’t worry — after doing the above, send an email over to support.
I can't find the field for my VAT ID and/or discount code during check-out with Paypal.
This can be understandably confusing for customers because of the way it’s setup. The field for VAT ID and/or discount code appears on the order confirmation page once you have been transferred from Paypal back to FastSpring. So you will be transfered to Paypal, and then you will actually be transfered BACK to FastSpring to confirm. It can be a bit unnerving, because it looks like you are “confirming” a purchase, but until you hit the checkboxes and finalize the order back on the FastSpring page, it’s not actually confirming the purchase. This is still the case as of late May 2024 (I went through a test purchase attempt).
Do you have a cart option to purchase multiple products at once?
Not yet, but this is being looked into.
My organization/entity is tax-exempt, can I get that part refunded?
As FastSpring handles payments/transactions, please get in touch with them directly at this link for anything related to tax exemptions.
I don't understand how to download the libraries.
You should get an email which will have a code at the top. There are more detailed instructions in this email on how to download, but in summary you will put this code into the Continuata Connect download manager, and it will download the library for you and merge/build the library folder from the RAR files.
If you don’t want to go through the process of using the Continuata download software, you can simply request HTTP links by following the instructions in the email. However those can be a little less intuitive to decompress (as the Continuata software handles all that when you are doing that approach).
[UPDATED NOV 2024] I'm having trouble downloading with the Continuata download app (crashes, unresponsive, etc).
[RECENTLY UPDATED – NOVEMBER 2024] If you are having trouble with the Continuata download app (Conduct), try “resetting” the download in the Conduct app by clicking the three little dots on the right of the window and selecting “Reset.” When it asks you if you want to “Leave” or “Remove” the downloaded archives, set it to “Remove.” Ensure the download is removed in your folders. If that doesn’t work, click the three little dots again and select “Delete.” Once again, set this to “Remove” in the window that comes up. Make sure the product is no longer in your Conduct window. Restart Conduct and then add the code again.
Another thing you can try (added November 2024) is if there is simply no movement or activity in the download (esp. if you have just added your code in), try pausing the download at the bottom of the Conduct window. Then navigate to the three little dots on the product and select “move” and select a new folder.
Alternatively, you can generate manual download links by clicking here and pasting in the download code that you received in your Continuata download code email. If you have tried this and you are still unable to download, please send an email over to support.
I downloaded the manual links. What do I do with all these RAR files?
You’ll need to decompress the RAR files and build the folder hierarchy manually. This is something that the Continuata Connect app does automatically, but if you are downloading the HTTP manual links, you will need to do it yourself or at least guide the process.
Decompress all the RAR files to a folder. Inside this folder you should have a Samples folder, an Instruments folder, a Documents folder, and a nkr file. The image below demonstrates what it would look like for “Vista” library. On some occasions you may have a Samples 2 folder, and Samples 3 folder, and so on. Some RAR expanders seem to interpret the files as separate rather than one package. If this is the case, merge the multiple “Samples” folders contents into one Samples folder. Here’s a short explanation of how to merge files on Mac.
Do your products work in the free Kontakt Player?
No, all of Performance Samples LLC’s products as of now require the full, retail version of Kontakt. This is made overtly clear in the product descriptions/specs and during the check-out process.
Kontakt Player (not Kontakt full) will only allow you to play the patches in DEMO mode for a limited time. Unless you are completely OK with that and understand what you’re getting into, please don’t go through the check-out process if you don’t own the full version of Kontakt.
As of now, there are no plans to do libraries for Kontakt Player. Please see product pages for the minimum version required.
I wasn't emailed a serial number, why is that?
Performance Samples LLC’s libraries don’t require serial numbers as they aren’t built for Kontakt Player. They do require the full version of Kontakt. You’ll receive a code with download instructions for Continuata’s download system, and then once the library is downloaded, you can simply open the patches and play.
Why is the library showing "DEMO mode" in Kontakt, despite me owning the full version of Kontakt?
This is likely because you are running the patches in Kontakt Player, even though you have the full version on your system. Load them into the full version of Kontakt and you should not see “DEMO mode.”
Why can't I add your libraries to the Libraries tab in Kontakt?
Doing this requires the library in question to be a Kontakt Player library. Performance Samples LLC’s libraries are not for Kontakt Player – they require the full, retail version of Kontakt. Libraries can be accessed via the Files tab or Quick-Load within Kontakt.
The patches take a long time to load.
One thing you can try is (if on Windows), create an exclusion in your antivirus (or similar) software for the library folder.
[RECENTLY ADDED] My patch isn't able to find missing files.
First try a batch re-save (you can find a guide here). If that doesn’t work, you may want to re-download the library to ensure everything decompressed properly. Finally, if that doesn’t work, you may want to look into your hard drive formatting and whether it is formatted CAPS sensitive. If a library is formatted in this way, the drive can have trouble finding the files sometimes.
I can't use the code/serial number I received in my email with Native Access (in order to run the library in Kontakt).
That code is just for the Continuata (Conduct) downloader. The libraries themselves don’t require any code or serial number to load/run, as they are for the full version of Kontakt (not Kontakt Player). Performance Samples LLC’s libraries can be accessed via the Files tab or Quick-Load within Kontakt (full).
[UPDATED DEC 2024] Now that I've downloaded your library, how do I load and play it in Kontakt?
Libraries can be accessed via the Files tab or Quick-Load within Kontakt. See this article for more information.
How many machines can I use your libraries on?
The EULA does not limit the number of machines you can use Performance Samples LLC’s libraries on.
I'm getting missing samples when I load patches (it's asking me to locate where the samples are).
Usually this means the instruments are looking in a directory which doesn’t have the samples in it.
First, ensure that your folder structure is setup appropriately. Manually downloading the files and uncompressing them may not reflect the proper folder structure, so you have to build it yourself by placing the Samples folder, Instruments folder, Documents folder, and nkr into an umbrella folder (i.e. ‘Con Moto – Cellos,’ ‘Oceania,’ etc..). Try loading from that setup. If you still have issues, please run a batch re-save using this process, which will point the instruments to the correct directory.
I'm getting drop-outs during playing, recording and/or playback.
Check your disk streaming, as often a slow disk will result in voices choking (try running from an internal drive temporarily, or from an SSD). Also, try increasing your DFD preload buffer size within Kontakt, accessible via hitting the wrench icon on the patch, then navigating to Instrument Options -> DFD. From there, adjust the DFD preload buffer size to 60… then 90… then 120.. etc, and see if you notice an improvement.
As a last-ditch option, sometimes moving the library in question to another HD/SSD helps, or to another folder.
Do you offer any type of endorsement, testimonial, or artist arrangements in exchange for a free copy? / Can I have a free copy to review for my social media channel? / Are you accepting beta testers or demo writer submissions?
Not currently for unsolicited inquiries – please do not send them under any circumstance. In general, Performance Samples LLC does not accept unsolicited requests for endorsement/testimonial/artist arrangements in exchange for NFRs, unsolicited requests for review/demonstration NFRs, or unsolicited beta tester/demo writer submissions/requests. Performance Samples LLC may review and reply to any such inquiries in its sole business discretion, in each instance.
Can I make a product purchase for my company?
The EULA “grants you the limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferrable, terminable, royalty free, worldwide right to use the Samples for commercial or non-commercial use” and specifies that “this license is only for you, the original user or purchaser.” You can read more of the EULA here.
In other words, each license is for a single user and cannot be shared by multiple people at a company. If you are acting on behalf of a company, please keep in mind that each user of the product at a company requires their own purchase and license. And because (per the EULA) “this license is only for you, the original user or purchaser,” the personal name of the user must be attached to each purchase (not the company name – which can go in the “company” box during checkout).
Can the free libraries be used in commercial musical projects?
Absolutely. Using the free libraries in commercial musical projects is perfectly fine and even encouraged. They can be used just like any of the paid products and they adhere to the same EULA. This goes for both the freebies as well as the “demo freebies” which are more intended more for demonstrating limited aspects of the products.
Are you open to library exchanges with other developers?
Not at this time.
Can you do a custom sample library for me? / Do you offer sample development consultations for other developers or individuals?
Not at this time.
I accidentally re-purchased a library of yours that I already own.
Not a problem – please send an email to support.
Can I have a discount (for instance if I'm purchasing multiple products)?
There are bundles offered in select cases (see the Bundles drop-down from Libraries). You are also free to subscribe to the newsletter for information on sales. That said, please do not under any circumstances email asking about additional discounts.
Do you offer customer support?
As per the EULA, Performance Samples LLC is not obligated to provide you with any support in connection with the Samples.
Do you allow refunds/returns or license transfers?
As per the EULA, Performance Samples LLC’s products are sold “AS-IS” and refunds/returns and license transfers are NOT permitted.
Chargebacks - Investigation and Handling
All chargebacks are taken extremely seriously. Performance Samples LLC keeps track of every transaction and all chargebacks are investigated to ensure they are not fraudulent. As part of such investigation, Performance Samples LLC and/or its legal representative(s) can contact you directly to help determine whether a chargeback was “unintentional”. If you did an “unintentional” chargeback, you must promptly cooperate with Performance Samples LLC to ensure the full purchase price is paid to Performance Samples LLC. As stated in the EULA, refunds are not permitted, so if you use a product after receiving a refund via a chargeback, you are in breach of the EULA, do not have any rights to use such product, and you may be liable for copyright infringement (which may include statutory damages of up to one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) per work for willful infringement and attorney’s fees). Additionally, if you fail to satisfactorily comply with Performance Samples LLC for an “unintentional” chargeback or if your chargeback was fraudulent, Performance Samples LLC is prepared to take all measures necessary to enforce and protect its rights and interests to the fullest extent available at law and equity, including but not limited to: (a) Reporting your theft to law enforcement; (b) Reporting to credit bureaus; (c) Reporting to your bank or credit card company (as applicable); (d) Reporting to your employer; (e) Preventing you from making any future purchases from Performance Samples LLC; and (f) Enforcing rights via a lawsuit against you.
Do you offer educational discounts?
At this point, Performance Samples LLC does not offer educational discounts.
Do you offer loyalty discounts, and what is the policy in regards to NFRs?
Performance Samples LLC does offer loyalty discounts on occasion. Loyalty discounts are not applicable for NFRs. For instance, if product X is released and offers a loyalty discount for owners of product Y, you will need to own a non-NFR copy of product Y to apply the loyalty discount.
I missed a sale, can I purchase library X at the sale price?
Please consider subscribing to the newsletter if you’d like to stay up-to-date as sales happen.
Where can I purchase your libraries?
Collaborative projects aside, Performance Samples LLC’s libraries are available solely through www.performancesamples.com.
The FAQs get frequently updated with more information and guidance covering a large number of topics and potential issues you may run into. Please review them comprehensively before emailing the support email below.
For all receipt/invoice-related, billing, transactional (double-charged, etc), VAT/GST/sales tax-related, tax refund/exemption, ordering/checkout (i.e. order failing) issues, please contact FastSpring directly with the name of the product you’re trying to purchase, the attempted payment method, your name, your email, and any other details of your purchase issue. For tax/VAT/GST inquiries, you can go directly to this page, which is also accessible from the aforementioned page. Contacting FastSpring directly is going to be the quickest and most direct way of handling the aforementioned. Please keep in mind that FastSpring does not handle the product fulfillment side directly – if you don’t receive your product fulfillment links, FastSpring won’t be able to help you as they handle the transaction side primarily. Per the FAQs, please reach out to the PS support email if you don’t receive your product fulfillment links.
General email (no support/download questions or anything FastSpring-related): info (at) performancesamples.com
Download/technical/sales (not FastSpring-related) inquiries: support (at) performancesamples.com
Zero tolerance for abusive messages and/or threats of any kind. Performance Samples LLC is prepared to take all measures necessary to enforce and protect its rights and interests to the fullest extent available at law and equity, which may include, but is not limited to, a lifetime ban from purchasing products from Performance Samples LLC (with no second chances or warning). Nothing contained herein is intended as, nor should be deemed to constitute, a waiver or relinquishment of any of Performance Samples LLC’s rights or remedies, whether legal or equitable, all of which are hereby expressly reserved.